Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Fairy Cosplays (I do a lot of them): Zarina Progress 3

Well, my friends, it has been a long and super annoying journey but Zarina the ever evading Pirate Fairy is almost complete. I have just finished sewing her skirt into final position (cuz I promised myself I would not tear it apart again) and I am super thrilled with how it turned out.  It needs a few more tweaks but considering for days I had no clue how to go about making it at all, I think being able to put it on and finally assess it as a whole is great progress.
My problem was trying to bustle it as one whole piece of large green fabric, when really if i just stepped back and did it in strips it would come out how I wanted.
And yes, that means I put it on and took some pictures of it. Seen here:
Pay no attention to the chair on top of the dog cage...
Now keep in mind that this picture is not final. I have zero makeup on and I did not receive my wig in the mail yet. The shirt is on my sewing machine as we speak so I couldn't try it on, thus I am wearing a shirt from my closet. Plus I have no belt on because it is in a pile of red beads on my table. Despite all this though, It is so close to being done that I can taste it. The corset is done and boned, It just needs the adornments, the skirt will be done tonight with some final fixes, the belt is almost done it just needs to be properly strung on the wire, which I will do tonight as well. Everything else is on its way. I am proud of this outfit so far, and I am hoping to wear it to Metrocon here in Tampa in July.  
I will keep you posted as I finish up the other pieces of this costume. Also, more blogs to come about more costumes I am working on. Here are some that are in the works!
Astrid and Hiccup from How to Train your Dragon 2
Alisa from Tekken 6
Nora from RWBY
Stay tuned and Sparkle on!

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